Why the heck are there cats being cute in the bathtub on this page?

Allow me to explain.

Okay, so, I started building this website a while ago, but only recorded the video content a few days ago. I used this random old video from my old youtube account as a placeholder, and every single person I sent the preview link to — their FIRST comment was, “omg your cats!” (lol thanks, y’all but what about this beautiful website I built? jk jk 😂)

So, I figured they needed to stick around on this site somewhere, and if you’ve stumbled upon this page — you found the Easter Egg! (Which…. side note, is there a non-religiously derived word for the things-hidden-on-a-website phenomenon? Urban Dictionary didn’t help.)

ANYWAYS, the cats featured are Walter* (the orange cat IN the tub), Perry* (the brown/grey/black cat next to Walter), and Whiskey (on the tub ledge).


*[CW pet loss] I built this page back in early 2019. And this video is from long before that. Alas, Perry and Walter have both died since then (Perry in late 2019, and Walter in 2022) and I miss them both with my whole damn heart — but I also LOVE that their shenanigans live on in the form of this video through this selfie challenge. It’s tender, but it’s sweet, right? I love my boys. Whiskey still lives on and he’s just as soft and fluffy and round as he is in this video. Meow!